01/09/2013 – 15/10/2013
In the markets of Ouagadougou, Ivorian carpets jostle with Burkinabe’s kettles and Taiwanese mobile phones to create a miscellaneous patchwork symbolising the exchanges that take place between countries. Like the market, this initial Hors Pistes event built its identity on the mix of cultures and know-how, by fusing the collaboration of Burkinabe’s artisans and European designers, graphic designers and photographers.
Working relationships quickly developed and the designers soon got to grips with the noise and vibe of the city. Thanks to the astonishing creative freedom offered by Burkina Faso, their ideas rapidly became concrete projects. More than just the spontaneous character of the making process, the shapes of the urban context inspired every sketch. And if the forms are diverted, the means are too. An upside down bucket becomes a chair once moulded.
The sand is a white page and branches are tools.
This workshop has been punctuated with joy - when the parts came together successfully; thrill - when the technique did not comply with the moment; and a bit of magic - when the material suggested its own use, as it is perceptible each project.